AT88SC0104C | AT88SC0204 | AT88SC0808C | AT88SC101 | AT88SC102 | AT88SC12816C | AT88SC153 | AT88SC1608| AT88SC1616C | AT88SC25616C | AT88SC3216C | AT88SC6416C
AT88SC1608 Datasheet
8 x 256 x 8
Secure Memory with Authentication
Datasheet : AT88SC1608.pdf
- One 128 x 8 (1K bit) Configuration Zone
- Eight 256 x 8 (16K bits) User Zones
- Low Voltage Operation: 2.7V to 5.5V
- Two-wire Serial Interface
- 16-byte Page Write Mode
- Self Timed Write Cycle (10 ms max)
- ISO 7816-3 Synchronous Protocol
- Answer-to-Reset Register
- High Security Memory Including Anti-wire Tapping
- 64-bit Authentication Protocol (Under exclusive patent license from ELVA)
- Authentication Attempts Counter
- Eight Sets of Two 24-bit Passwords
- Specific Passwords for Read and Write
- Sixteen Password Attempts Counters
- Selectable Access Rights by Zone
- ISO Compliant Packaging
- High Reliability
- Endurance: 100,000 Cycles
- Data Retention: 100 Years
- ESD Protection: 4,000V min
- Low-Power CMOS